Admissions policy for 2025/26 academic year
St. Mary's N.S. is now accepting applications for new pupils for 2025 - 2026 school year. The full admission notice for this year is also available to download either from the Policy section or the New Infants section of our school website.
Student council 2024/25
St. Mary's National School believes that students have a vital role to play in creating a positive and welcoming school environment conducive to learning and happiness. We believe that out Student Council plays a requisite role in achieving this. As part of our School self-evaluation on Wellbeing, we are focusing on giving students more of a voice in our school.
The Election Process
Voting took place in September 2024 with children from First to Sixth Class asked to vote for the students they feel would represent their views best on a Student Council. The following children have been elected by their peers.
The Election Process
Voting took place in September 2024 with children from First to Sixth Class asked to vote for the students they feel would represent their views best on a Student Council. The following children have been elected by their peers.
partry afterschool - playground equipment
Huge thanks to Partry Afterschool for the fantastic new playground equipment which was installed this week. The children will have years of enjoyment using it. Special thanks to Gemma and Donal O'Mahony for sourcing it and securing it.